Saturday, 20 February 2010

Main Task-The Actors

Ian Welka-the psycho killer:

Ian Welka was a pleasure to meet. One reason we believed he would be the best character to play the part of the psycho killer because of his big build. A build like his is the kind of build a gangster would have, or perhaps a thug. This is the stereotype we needed for the part of the psycho killer. It was also convenient for us to cast him as he is Talia Welka's dad. Although he is not an actor in real life he was very convincing, in my opinion. The excellent limp that he demonstrates at the beginning of the thriller leads the audience to the assumption that he has a bad character who often gets into trouble, and that he is the antagonist of the sequence.

Matthew Perry Frener-the victim:

Matthew Perry Frener has brilliant acting skills. I remember that his first scream gave me a shock-i thought it was someone else screaming who really needed help! My group and I decided that he would fit the part of the victim well since he has had a history of acting, and we believed it was quite difficult to act scared so we would need someone who has acted before. He was also convincing as his screams were very realistic. If he could convince me that the screaming was real even though I knew that I was going to hear screaming in a few minutes (on the day of the filming), he can certainly convince the audience.

Talia Welka-the dead girl:

Talia Welka had a very easy task. All she needed to do was to lie on a wooden platform and pretend she was dead. Therefore, she evidently did not need to say anything, or even move! Although her role was seemingly superfluous, it creates an effect that was actually quite vital. Without her, there would not be much build up of tension, and this keeps the audience's interest in the scene, as well as pumping up their adrenaline and increasing their curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. Ian Welka was brilliant .. A star in the making would like to see the sequel PLEASE we can't wait
